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10 Considerations Before Building a Greenhouse

Farm Management Resources

Young, Beginning, Small & Veteran Farmers

温室是一种结构,它可以让你为植物创造一个最佳的环境,让这些植物在正常季节之外生长. 温室已经存在了几百年,现在在世界各地被广泛用于种植观赏和食用植物. 温室对农民来说是一个很好的工具,对家庭园丁来说也是一笔很好的资产. If you’re thinking about building a greenhouse for your situation, I’ve put together the top 10 things to consider.

  • Make sure you have input from your locality. 一些城市和县可能需要建筑许可、分区许可、执照等. Although some may not if you are in an agricultural zone. Ultimately each community is different, 所以最好还是咨询一下县/市,看看他们需要什么,不需要什么. 

  • Budget. 你应该总是考虑你的预算是什么,不管有一个商业或业余温室. As you think about some of the information below, you might find areas that will use more of your budget than others. For example, 混凝土地板比其他类型的地面覆盖物更昂贵,但在你的情况下可能是必要的. So, try to plan with a critical eye on your budget.
  • Think carefully about what you are going to grow in the greenhouse. 作物选择可以真正决定建造哪种类型的温室. 主要用于种植家庭菜园移栽的温室将与全年生产西红柿的“商业”规模温室大不相同. 美妙之处在于,你可以选择任何东西来种植,因为植物在温室环境中生长得很好.

  • Consider the best site for your greenhouse. 一个好网站的两个最重要的属性是水平和良好的排水. 位置应尽可能平坦,因为这使施工更容易,同样(如果不是更重要的话)有一个排水良好的场地,旨在减少水的渗入. If these are met, 接下来你应该考虑一个方便的地方,有方便和安全的访问和是近的. 虽然温室可以实现自动化,但靠近你总是更容易.
  • Maximize the sunlight that the greenhouse receives. Most plants require 6-8 hours of sunlight each day. So, if you’ve gone to all the trouble to build a greenhouse, you would want it to receive as much sunlight as possible. 寻找建筑物和树木等可以在结构上投下阴影的东西. 这可能包括未来在场地周围建造的建筑物,或者在规划时可能没有叶子的落叶树. 你也可以使用太阳图表应用程序来帮助确定哪些地方的光线最好.
  • Types of construction materials. The framework (which is components like bows, purlins, ground stakes, posts, 大多数现代温室的排水沟和支架都是由钢或铝制成的. The steel is usually protected from rust by a galvanizing process. The framework can also be made of wooden lumber. 最重要的建筑材料之一是温室的透明覆盖物. 三种主要类型是聚乙烯片材(大多数人熟悉的塑料覆盖物), polycarbonate and glass. 玻璃具有最高的透光性,但也是最昂贵的. 聚碳酸酯非常耐用,寿命长,但比聚乙烯贵. 聚乙烯是最便宜的,但需要每四年更换一次.

  • Make sure the greenhouse can withstand the loads placed on it. Greenhouses are susceptible to many forces that can cause damage. Wind loads and snow loads are the most problematic. 你可以做的一件事是确保你买的结构有风和雪负荷额定值,达到或超过你所在地区通常的风和雪量. 下雪时,尽快清除积雪是很重要的,这样你的温室就不会在重量下倒塌. 大风时,确保塑料不松动,建筑物关闭.

  • Investigate options for flooring. 有几种不同的方法来处理温室的地板. Concrete is very durable, 易于维护,可以方便地访问推车和滚动设备, however it is the most expensive type of greenhouse floor. Other flooring options would include river rock, stone dust, 编织的地面覆盖物或混凝土人行道和岩石的可能组合. These require some maintenance and vary on cost.
  • How to change the environment. 最重要的考虑之一是如何影响温室环境条件的变化. Heating can be accomplished in a few ways. 大多数情况下,温室是用燃烧液态丙烷(LP)或天然气的单元加热器加热的,将热量传递到温室内的空气中. These unit heaters range from 80-99% efficient. Another method of heating the greenhouse is through burning LP, natural gas or wood to heat water in a boiler. 然后加热的水通过热交换器加热温室里的空气. 对于较小的,爱好型温室,有时使用电加热器. 在温暖的月份里,冷却是很重要的,通常是用排气扇来完成的,排气扇把外面凉爽的空气拉过温室. 加热器和风扇的容量取决于温室的大小和其他因素.

  • Future expansion. 考虑建造一个你认为你需要的稍微大一点的温室. 通常种植者和业余爱好者很快就超过了第一个温室. 有些温室比其他温室更容易扩展,所以在决定购买哪个温室时要调查这个因素. 在决定选址时,也要提前计划好可能的扩展区域. 你还可以通过增加电力等基础设施来节省开支, gas and water for future expansion.

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infographic image of 10 considerations before buying a greenhouse


For More Information


Chris Mullins

Extension Specialist, Greenhouse and Specialty Crops

Virginia State University


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